Products from Model Shipways

Model Shipways

Model Shipways stellt seit 1946 Bausätze her und ist weltweit bekannt für seine äußerst präzisen Darstellungen historischer Schiffe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der Segelschifffahrt und mehr. Die Bausätze enthalten sehr detaillierte Anleitungen, maßstabsgetreue Pläne und Teile von höchster Qualität. Die Bausätze von Model Shipways sind in verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden erhältlich, vom Anfänger bis zum Experten, mit Bauweisen wie Planke-auf-Spant und Vollrumpfmodellen. Die Bausätze wurden von führenden Schiffsarchitekten und Historikern bis ins kleinste Detail entworfen und werden in den USA hergestellt. Präzise lasergeschnittene Holzrahmen und andere Teile sowie vorgeformte Takelagekomponenten, Takelgarn, Messing, Britannia-Metall und andere Materialien ermöglichen es dem Erbauer, Nachbildungen in Museumsqualität herzustellen, bis hin zu den historisch korrekten Farben.

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Dampfbarkasse USN Picket
Dampfbarkasse USN Picket
Das Boot, das das Panzerschiff CSS Albemarle versenkte Das Picket Boat Number One, eine Dampfbarkasse, wurde 1864 zur Unterstützung der Blockade der Konföderation durch die US-Marine gebaut. Ausgestattet mit einem Spierentorpedo, konnte es auch größere feindliche Schiffe angreifen. In der dunklen Nacht vom 27. auf den 28. Oktober 1864...
219.00€ *
Steamer Chaperon
Steamer Chaperon
History of the Chaperon The Chaperon was originally built in 1884 in Chambersburg, Ohio, and was named the J. C. Kerr. The boat was 120 feet long, 21 feet wide and 4 feet deep. It was used as a commercial vessel in Kentucky on the Green River in the early 1890s. In 1904, the boat was renamed the Chaperon and was used for a short time...
479.00€ *
Gunboat Philadelphia
Gunboat Philadelphia
BRIEF HISTORY Launched in August of 1776, the gunboat Philadelphia is the oldest American fighting vessel in existence. Part of the American fleet commanded by General Benedict Arnold, she sank on October 11, 1776 during the Battle of Valcour Island against the Royal Navy on Lake Champlain. She remained sitting upright in the cold...
235.00€ *
Armed Captain's Longboat
Armed Captain's Longboat
For beginners and experts alike. A true plank-frame armed captain's longboat in 1:24 scale measuring approximately 24" from bowsprit to tip of boom. Every wood detail in the original longboat has been captured in 9 sheets of laser-cut basswood (no plywood) and over 60 basswood strips and dowels. Thirty-six cast Brittania metal...
149.95€ *
18th Century Longboat
18th Century Longboat
Model Shipways 18th Century Longboat Model Ship Kit 1:48 Scale True Plank-on-Frame Kit The longboat was the largest boat aboard an 18th century ship. The ship s principal lifeboat, it was also used for coming and going to the ship to transport supplies and take empty water casks ashore to be filled with fresh water. Longboats were kept...
69.50€ *
USCG Harriet Lane Steam Paddle Cutter & Gunboat
USCG Harriet Lane Steam Paddle Cutter & Gunboat
The Harriet Lane is an early U.S. Navy steam-powered cutter in Coast Guard service from the 1850s. The ships were named after First Ladies, in this case the niece of the still unmarried President James Buchanan. She was built in New York in 1857 for the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, but later captured by the Confederacy in 1883 and...
312.00€ *
Canadian Canoe
Canadian Canoe
Canadian Canoe This model is a replica of a typical Canadian canoe. Especially narrow and flat built, this canoe is suitable for paddling tours and is big enough for smaller trips. Due to the shape of the keel, it responds quickly to steering movements and is therefore easy to handle. This type of boat is often compared with the...
83.95€ *
Peterboro Canoe
Peterboro Canoe
The Peterboro gained its name from association with the area around Peterborough, Ontario. It was here that the carpentered canoe built with European woodworking skills was first "perfected", about in the 1800s. Several builders and designers were in the forefront of early efforts to develop the wooden canoe, among them...
62.50€ *