Colour sets matched to individual models. Compilation of individually selected colours for ship models « show less
Colour sets matched to individual models. Compilation of individually selected colours for ship models read more »
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Colour sets matched to individual models. Compilation of individually selected colours for ship models
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Color Set for Galeons and Caravels
Color Set for Galeons and Caravels
The water-based paints set by Artesania Latina for the caravels and galleons wooden ship models (La Pinta, La Niña, La Santa Maria and San Francisco) is the ideal product so that the finishes of these miniature replicas are perfect and faithful to the originals. Bring it into your modeling workshop to make these 1/65 scale caravels...
29.90€ *
Paints Set for Ship Model Soleil Royal
Paints Set for Ship Model Soleil Royal
The set of water-based paints, made by Artesania Latina, for the French ship model Soleil Royal is the ideal product so that the finishes of these miniature replicas are perfect and faithful to the originals. Bring it into your modeling workshop to make these scale fishing ship models shine once they've been built. The set of...
29.90€ *
Color Set for Bounty Admiralty Colours
Color Set for Bounty Admiralty Colours
set of colors for Bounty kit
31.60€ *
Color Set for HMS Victory Admiralty Colours
Color Set for HMS Victory Admiralty Colours
set of colors for HMS Victory kit
55.90€ *
Color Set for Endeavour Admiralty Colours
Color Set for Endeavour Admiralty Colours
set of colors for Endeavour kit
43.30€ *
Color Set for King of Mississippi
Color Set for King of Mississippi
Farbenset für Artesania Latina King of Mississippi 6 Tropfflaschen mit den benötigten Farben laut Anleitung. 1x matt Weiß 1x matt Schwarz 1x leuchtend Rot 1x büffel Gelb 1x gebrannte Umbra 1x Gold
15.00€ *
Paints Set: Figurines (basics)
Paints Set: Figurines (basics)
Farbenset für die Bemalung von Figuren Grundausstattung ! 1x matt Weiß 1x matt Schwarz 1x Königsblau 1x sattes Gelb 1x Zinnoberrot 1x Hautfarben Wir empfehlen spezielle Farbtöne zu ergänzen.
15.00€ *
Color Set Occre Prinz Eugen
Color Set Occre Prinz Eugen
The pack includes the colors, dyes and varnish necessary for the perfect finishing of the Prinz Eugen.
49.95€ *
Acrylic Paint Pack Flying Dutchman
Acrylic Paint Pack Flying Dutchman
Compilation of colours and paints required for the completion of the Occre Flying Dutchman kit. consisting of: -5 acrylic colours á 20ml -2 bottles of stain á 50ml -1 bottle clear varnish matt 50ml
24.95€ *
Mini Pack Stain and Varnish
Mini Pack Stain and Varnish
Mini varnish pack stain and varnish Mini set of water-based stains and varnishes for wood models and crafts consists of white primer, transparent satin varnish, stain in shades of sapele, oak, walnut and cherry. Finishing products are suitable for application with airbrush and brushes. Can be thinned with alcohol or thinner, they are...
15.90€ *
Paints Set for Ship Model Santisima Trinidad
Paints Set for Ship Model Santisima Trinidad
Colour set for Artesania Latina kit Santisima Trinidad 12 dropper bottles with the required colours according to the instructions. 2x matt white 2x matt black 1x fluorescent red 2x red 1x ice yellow 1x Buffalo brown 1x cocoa brown 1x dark leather 1x Gold
31.90€ *
Acrylic Paint Pack Occre Santisima
Acrylic Paint Pack Occre Santisima
Zusammenstellung von Farbtönen und Lacken die für die Fertigstellung des Occre Bausatzes Santisima Trinidad erforderlich sind. bestehend aus: -8 Acryl Farben á 20ml -2 Flaschen Beize á 500ml -1 Flasche Klarlack matt 500ml
44.95€ *
Colour set Indian Girl Canou
Colour set Indian Girl Canou
Colour set for Artesania Latina Indian Girl kit 6 dropper bottles with the required colours according to the instructions. 1x primer/filler 1x matt white 1x matt hull green 1x matt night green 1x matt clear lacquer 1x stain cherry
15.95€ *
Acrylic Paint Pack Occre USS Missouri
Acrylic Paint Pack Occre USS Missouri
A set of colours and paints required to complete the Ocre USS Missouri BB 63 kit. Consisting of: -10 acrylic colours, 20ml each -2 bottles of primer, 20ml each -1 bottle of matt clear varnish, 500ml
44.95€ *
Paints Set for Ship Model Trafalgar's HMS VICTORY
Paints Set for Ship Model Trafalgar's HMS VICTORY
The Artesania Latina water-based acrylic paint set for Royal Navy model ships like HMS Victory, its section and many more is the ideal product to ensure that the finish on these miniature replicas is perfect and true to the original. 18 dropper bottles with the colours required according to the instructions. 2x matt white 2x matt black...
44.90€ *