Ship Equipment

What would ship model making be without accessories? Stand-alone models receive the necessary optical finishing touches with the appropriate accessories. Functional models become a finished model ship through model construction accessories like ship propeller, speed controller and ship shaft system. In our jojo model making shop we offer you a wide selection of ship model making accessories from different manufacturers. From the model ship engine and portholes to the model ship's crew, you will find everything that the tinkerer's heart desires.

Model building ship engine & propulsion

Whenever a model ship starts to move, his work begins : the model ship propulsion. This is one of the most important parts of functional models of ship model making accessories. As with real ships, there is also a wide variety of drive sets for ships in the area of model construction. Especially common are rigid drive shafts, which are driven by a model ship engine and which set ship's propellers in motion. The steering is done by a rudder blade which is adjusted to the propeller and guides the water flow in a certain direction.

Boats move faster or slower depending on the condition of the propellers on the ship's shaft systems. Two-blade propellers as ship model construction accessories are particularly suitable for racing boats, four-blade propellers for working ships. Three-bladed propellers are common. For the silent running of submarines we carry special propellers. Large ships can also be propelled with more than one model ship drive in parallel or one behind the other.

Ship propellers & ship propellers as model making accessories for ships

In our online shop for model ships we offer a wide range of brass propellers and ship's propellers from Raboesch. Our ship propellers range from the 2-blade to the 7-blade submarine propeller. In addition, we also offer CNC manufactured racing screws made of aluminium and stainless steel.

The model ship controller

For the engine control of model ships a model ship controller is necessary. This enables the remote control of the engine speed. In the past, mechanical speed controllers were used, which permanently emitted electricity. Today, the electronic controller, which only emits current pulses and thus offers a longer battery life, has become generally accepted. In our shop you will find controllers for DC motors with brush systems and brushless controllers for brushless DC motors.

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What would ship model making be without accessories? Stand-alone models receive the necessary optical finishing touches with the appropriate accessories. Functional models become a finished model ship through model construction accessories  like ship propeller, speed controller and ship shaft system . In our jojo model making shop we offer you a wide selection of ship model making... read more »
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Zubehör Schiffsmodellbau

What would ship model making be without accessories? Stand-alone models receive the necessary optical finishing touches with the appropriate accessories. Functional models become a finished model ship through model construction accessories like ship propeller, speed controller and ship shaft system. In our jojo model making shop we offer you a wide selection of ship model making accessories from different manufacturers. From the model ship engine and portholes to the model ship's crew, you will find everything that the tinkerer's heart desires.

Model building ship engine & propulsion

Whenever a model ship starts to move, his work begins : the model ship propulsion. This is one of the most important parts of functional models of ship model making accessories. As with real ships, there is also a wide variety of drive sets for ships in the area of model construction. Especially common are rigid drive shafts, which are driven by a model ship engine and which set ship's propellers in motion. The steering is done by a rudder blade which is adjusted to the propeller and guides the water flow in a certain direction.

Boats move faster or slower depending on the condition of the propellers on the ship's shaft systems. Two-blade propellers as ship model construction accessories are particularly suitable for racing boats, four-blade propellers for working ships. Three-bladed propellers are common. For the silent running of submarines we carry special propellers. Large ships can also be propelled with more than one model ship drive in parallel or one behind the other.

Ship propellers & ship propellers as model making accessories for ships

In our online shop for model ships we offer a wide range of brass propellers and ship's propellers from Raboesch. Our ship propellers range from the 2-blade to the 7-blade submarine propeller. In addition, we also offer CNC manufactured racing screws made of aluminium and stainless steel.

The model ship controller

For the engine control of model ships a model ship controller is necessary. This enables the remote control of the engine speed. In the past, mechanical speed controllers were used, which permanently emitted electricity. Today, the electronic controller, which only emits current pulses and thus offers a longer battery life, has become generally accepted. In our shop you will find controllers for DC motors with brush systems and brushless controllers for brushless DC motors.

3 From 43
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A-Type Schraube 3BL 25mm M3 R
A-Type Schraube 3BL 25mm M3 R
Messing Schiffsschraube für Passagierschiffe mit Doppelpropellers bis 1940 - Frachtschiffe - Hafenschlepper - Vergnügungsyachten - Segelschiffe mit Hilfsmotor - klassische Fischerboote. Durchmesser: 25mm Gewinde: M3 Drechrichtung: R
12.30€ *
A-Type Schraube 3BL 30mm M4 L
A-Type Schraube 3BL 30mm M4 L
Messing Schiffsschraube für Passagierschiffe mit Doppelpropellers bis 1940 - Frachtschiffe - Hafenschlepper - Vergnügungsyachten - Segelschiffe mit Hilfsmotor - klassische Fischerboote. Durchmesser: 30mm Gewinde: M4 Drechrichtung: L
13.10€ *
A-Type Schraube 3BL 35mm M4 L
A-Type Schraube 3BL 35mm M4 L
Messing Schiffsschraube für Passagierschiffe mit Doppelpropellers bis 1940 - Frachtschiffe - Hafenschlepper - Vergnügungsyachten - Segelschiffe mit Hilfsmotor - klassische Fischerboote. Durchmesser: 35mm Gewinde: M4 Drechrichtung: L
13.10€ *
A-Type Schraube 3BL 40mm M4 L
A-Type Schraube 3BL 40mm M4 L
Messing Schiffsschraube für Passagierschiffe mit Doppelpropellers bis 1940 - Frachtschiffe - Hafenschlepper - Vergnügungsyachten - Segelschiffe mit Hilfsmotor - klassische Fischerboote. Durchmesser: 40mm Gewinde: M4 Drechrichtung: L
13.10€ *
A-Type Schraube 4BL 20mm M3 L
A-Type Schraube 4BL 20mm M3 L
Messing Schiffsschraube für Schiffe mit starken Antrieben und ähnlichen Geschwindigkeiten wie: Schlepper - Fischkutter - Arbeitsschiffe - Frachtschiffe - Motoryachten , mit Baujahr nach 1940. Durchmesser: 20mm Gewinde: M3 Drechrichtung: L
13.80€ *
A-Type Schraube 4BL 20mm M4 R
A-Type Schraube 4BL 20mm M4 R
Messing Schiffsschraube für Schiffe mit starken Antrieben und ähnlichen Geschwindigkeiten wie: Schlepper - Fischkutter - Arbeitsschiffe - Frachtschiffe - Motoryachten , mit Baujahr nach 1940. Durchmesser: 20mm Gewinde: M4 Drechrichtung: R
13.80€ *
A-Type Schraube 4BL 50mm M4 R
A-Type Schraube 4BL 50mm M4 R
Messing Schiffsschraube für Schiffe mit starken Antrieben und ähnlichen Geschwindigkeiten wie: Schlepper - Fischkutter - Arbeitsschiffe - Frachtschiffe - Motoryachten , mit Baujahr nach 1940. Durchmesser: 50mm Gewinde: M4 Drechrichtung: R
16.70€ *
D-Type Schraube 3BL 35mm M4 R
D-Type Schraube 3BL 35mm M4 R
Messing Schiffsschraube für Segelschiffe mit Hilfsmotor - Motoryachten - Dampfschiffe - Klassische Fischerboote. Diese 3-Blattpropeller mit einer größeren Blattoberfläche haben eine große Antriebskapazität mit niedriger Erschütterung.
13.00€ *
D-Type Schraube 3BL 45mm M4 L
D-Type Schraube 3BL 45mm M4 L
Messing Schiffsschraube für Segelschiffe mit Hilfsmotor - Motoryachten - Dampfschiffe - Klassische Fischerboote. Diese 3-Blattpropeller mit einer größeren Blattoberfläche haben eine große Antriebskapazität mit niedriger Erschütterung.
13.30€ *
Bow Thruster16mm
Bow Thruster16mm
Querstrahlruder  16 mm / Bugstrahlruder für RC Modellschiffe
33.30€ *
Bow Thruster 22mm
Bow Thruster 22mm
Querstrahlruder / Bugstrahlruder für RC Modellschiffe
33.30€ *
MAX Power 400 DC Motor
MAX Power 400 DC Motor
MAX Power 400 7.2V Nennspannung
9.45€ *
2 Stück Gashebel Riva Beschlagteil
4.60€ *
Klampe 13mm verchromt Schiffsmodell Riva Beschlagteil
4.30€ *
large Clamp
large Clamp
große Bugklampe für Rivas , ebenfalls ideal für andere Modelle wie Riviera 80 und Monaco.
3.20€ *
Riva Bugspitze
Riva Bugspitze
Bugspitze aus verchromtem Metall speziell für Riva Modelle. Riva Beschlagteil
7.70€ *
Compact Wellenanlage 400/175 M3
Compact Wellenanlage 400/175 M3
Compact Schiffswelle mit sehr gutem Preis/Leistungsverhältnis. Hervorzuheben ist die besonders schlanke Bauart.
16.50€ *
Stuffing Box 290/M4 can be shortened
Stuffing Box 290/M4 can be shortened
Schiffswellenanlage mit 290mm und M4 Gwinde. Wasserdicht - kürzbar- wartungsfrei !
29.60€ *
Trim Lead 240g
Trim Lead 240g
Walzblei - Trimblei für Modelle
5.50€ *
Cotton Thread beige 0.25mm
Cotton Thread beige 0.25mm
Cotton Thread beige 
Content 30 Meter (0.11€ * / 1 Meter)
3.20€ *
Cotton Thread beige 0.50mm
Cotton Thread beige 0.50mm
Cotton Thread beige 
Content 20 Meter (0.16€ * / 1 Meter)
From 3.20€ *
Cotton Thread brown 0.75mm
Cotton Thread brown 0.75mm
Cotton Thread brown 
Content 10 Meter (0.32€ * / 1 Meter)
3.20€ *
Cotton Thread black 0.15mm
Cotton Thread black 0.15mm
Cotton Thread black
Content 40 Meter (0.08€ * / 1 Meter)
3.20€ *
Searchlight D 11
Searchlight D 11
Suchscheinwerfer Bausatz Modellschiff
6.60€ *
Halogen Deck Light
Halogen Deck Light
Halogendeckstrahler für Schiffsmodelle
6.90€ *
Rigging Hook Type B
Rigging Hook Type B
Takelhaken Typ B Wanten knüpfen, das Modell auftakeln - eine Beschäftigung die viel Geduld und Übung erfordert. Dieses Werkzeug ist eine wertvolle Hilfe um das Takelgarn an die richtige Stelle zu bekommen oder einen Knoten an der richtigen Stelle zu setzten.
7.80€ *
Brushless Regler Seaking 60A V3
Brushless Regler Seaking 60A V3
Brushless Regler 60A  bis 3S wasserdicht Fahrtregler Bootsregler für RC Modellschiffe
69.95€ *
Motor Mount 500
Motor Mount 500
Motorträger 500 Schiffsmodelle verstellbar
6.45€ *
Kardan Kreuzgelenk einzeln
Kardan Kreuzgelenk einzeln
Schiffskupplung Kreuzgelenk Kardan Kupplung
6.95€ *
Schiffsschraube K Serie Race R 34mm M4
Schiffsschraube K Serie Race R 34mm M4
Carbon-Hydropropeller K-Serie mit Messing Gewindeeinsatz
4.90€ *
Ship Shaft 2x230 +M2
Ship Shaft 2x230 +M2
Ersatz Schiffswelle
7.75€ *
Beschlagsatz Neptun Schlepper
Beschlagsatz Neptun Schlepper
Neptun Beschlagsatz
59.90€ *
navy Gelenkkupplung Stahl 3,17/4
navy Gelenkkupplung Stahl 3,17/4
Gelenkkupplung Stahl 9xL23mm, Bohrung 3,17/4
4.90€ *
Metal Cleaf 6.5mm
Metal Cleaf 6.5mm
Klampe 6.5mmmm Metallguss schwarz
2.90€ *
Rod-System connection M3
Rod-System connection M3
Gestängeanschluss M3
3.90€ *
Grease Nipple 8mm
Grease Nipple 8mm
Lagerbock mit Schmiernippel passend für Stevenrohre mit 8mm Außendurchmesser
3.80€ *
3 From 43